Irene Alexander, PhD, CLC, ICF Certified Coach

Irene Alexander, PhD, CLC, ICF Certified Coach

Ready to Have an Emotionally Intimate Marriage with your Husband?


Discover the Ultimate Secrets to Bringing Back the Honeymoon Phase in your 40s and 50s,so that you can grow old together with your husband, deeply in love.

Say Goodbye to fighting, emotionally exhausting "couple's talk therapy" and "healing inner wounds"

You Can be Pursued & Adored All Over Again!

    You are a generous, loving mama and you give SO much, but you want to RECEIVE even more from your husband.

    You know your marriage is sacred and you want your relationship to be emotionally intimate, but it doesn't feel like your husband is giving you enough loving support, or deep tenderness.

    You've had the difficult conversations with him about how he needs to change and improve himself but it doesn't seem like he's taking it to heart and that leaves you feeling even more frustrated, hurt, and alone.

    Even though everyone you've shared your marriage problems with is literally ON YOUR SIDE, your husband still blames you for the relationship trouble and this leaves you wondering whether he's even capable of real change.


Here's What I've Learned from Teaching on Marital Intimacy For Over a Decade


How Your Marriage Thrives

Marital intimacy does NOT thrive by talking about all the problems that you think you have in the relationship.
It's not about identifying all the ways your husband is failing you and why he's too broken to be capable of providing the love and support you need.
Your Husband Wants Your Trust & Respect
By diving deep into the dynamics of the rhythm of love between a man and a woman, the emotional needs of man and woman in marriage, and truly understanding what drives a man to go out of his way to show his wife his deep and lasting love for her, I've been able to bring back the honeymoon phase to SO many marriages.
There's literally no reason why you can't have the honeymoon phase back in your marriage RIGHT NOW, where you're smiling so much your cheeks hurt.
Let's refine how you share your heart with your husband, so that you feel his tender love & support for you, the irresistible woman he adores for life.

The Strength of Your Trust in Him = The Depth of Your Being Cherished & Adored

Here's How the Adored for Life Program will Help You Grow Old Together Deeply in Love


The Program Includes


1. The 10 Week Curriculum Moves You Through 3 Steps


Communicate your needs in a way that inspires him to respond to you (while also giving up the things that drive him away), watch how eager he is to please you and come through for you.


Lovin' him in the way a man was MEANT to be loved takes your relationship to the next level. In this step I also give you the exact framework to approach your conflicts with ZERO fighting.


Every woman yearns for tenderness. That's already half the reason you said, "I do!" In this part of the training, I show you exactly what inspires your man's tender love and how to create emotional intimacy, so he feels free to share his heart with you.

2. You Receive Personal Coaching Support EVERY Week for 3 Months

Every Week for 12 Weeks you have an opportunity to share your current challenges with me privately, and get personal coaching support. The coaching works asynchronously so you don't have to change your schedule to be present for a live call. 

Ready to Smile So Much Your Cheeks Hurt!?!

Like they did in the honeymoon phase!

Hi! I'm Irene Alexander, Ph.D., C.LC.



I'm Just Gonna Say It

It breaks my heart that so many loving generous married women secretly struggle to have an emotionally intimate marriage.
In the last 7 years, I've helped dozens of women create lasting intimacy in their marriage without talk therapy, couple's therapy, or having their husbands work on healing their inner wounds, so that they can bring back the honeymoon phase in their relationship and grow old together deeply in love.
I have had the privilege of teaching my innovative relationship strategies to amazing loving women and mamas in their 40s and 50s ready for romance and emotional intimacy in their relationship.
The number one thing that makes or breaks your marriage? How you communicate with your husband. If the way you share your heart doesn't speak to the way a man is designed to hear your needs, he won't respond to you in the loving way you're looking for.
I've made it my mission to help as many good-hearted married women as I can. I hope you’ll join the movement of building happy, healthy, holy, romantic marriages that honors God's vision for married love so that your marriage blesses your heart, your kids, and the world!

Don't Just Take My Word for It

The married women in their 40s and 50s, who were once just like you but decided to take the leap and go ALL in on fixing their marriage and bringing back the honeymoon phase.


    You are ready to say YES to an incredibly happy and emotionally intimate marriage and you’re open to a new-counter-intuitive way to having that FAST!

    You are ready to say goodbye to fighting, anger, and emotional distance in your relationship.

    You want hands-on coaching support in making this dream a reality ASAP!


Q: I'm super busy right now. Is there a time limit on my access to the course content?

A: It is up to you when you start. Each weekly module contains 3 short videos all together approximately 60 min. You have instant access to the modules and you have the content and any future updates for life. So you can take the course completely at your own pace. You can come back to the modules anytime you need. You will also receive weekly support emails, "Week __is open" to keep you on track.

Q. Do I do this program together with my husband?

A: No. It is a woman's only program, where you get the life-changing and relationship shifting secrets that automatically enhance your relationship. You'll notice that your husband will just automatically begin delighting you and pursuing you all over again because you'll be in the actual cycle that creates male-female intimacy--a rhythm that women both begin and complete. The craziest thing is that it's not about you "doing all the work." You'll be doing less, giving up what's not working, and follow extremely simple steps that reset the relationship and inspire your man's attractive and profound love for you.  

Q. Are you offering a payment plan?

A: YES! You will find the payment options by clicking the enrollment button at the bottom of this page.

Q. What can I expect from this program?

A.: Solutions. Clarity. Inspired content. The exact steps to show you how you can be tenderly loved in your marriage... and going forward you can have confidence in a relationship you love for the rest of your life. It's an unheard-of perspective that resolves fighting and distance quickly. Progress. Strategies, steps, phrases, and processes laid out for you. Practical procedures and spiritual principles explained. Movement in the direction of your dream relationship. And whatever else you decide to receive. ;)

Q. Can You Guarantee Specific Results?

A: I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it as they are rooted in the nature of love between a man and a woman. The success stories on this page are from people who have worked with me through AFL and received incredible results. According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: DISCLAIMER: I don't guarantee or warrant specific results. AFL is a Transformational Coaching Program. I provide the specific curriculum, and personal coaching, and it is up to the client to do the work and take the inspired actions that lead to intimacy.  

Q. What if my husband doesn't want to work on the relationship?

A: This is actually common, but not for the reason you might think. Typically, "working on the relationship" means sitting in front of a third party telling your man why he's failing you and what he needs to do to improve, hoping he'll finally see why you're right. This approach is completely ineffective for intimacy and hurts both your man and your relationship. This is why husbands eventually get tired of "working on the relationship." Note! It's not because he doesn't care about you. Quite the opposite! 
This program is designed to put a halt to the harmful practices in "talk therapy" many consider "normal" and immediately start creating closeness and emotional intimacy in the relationship. Here's the KEY: the way that you show up in the relationship affects how your husband will respond to you. So this program is effective even if (and especially if!) your husband feels burnt out from "working on the relationship." It's hands down 100% the BEST thing you can do for your relationship if you've reached this point.

Q: I am analyzing this decision and doubting myself. Should I enroll in Adored for Life?

A: If you are feeling called, led, drawn, or pulled to the program, I recommend you follow your inner guidance. If you desire to be in this program, trust yourself.

More Questions? 

Email .moc.efilrofderoda%40rednaxelaeneri We have your back. 

Past clients have shared with me that they feel their relationship opened in a way it never has before through this program.They report feeling more confident than ever before that their relationship will be strong.Even their young adult kids found me in real life and said, "I don't know what you've done with my mom, but she's happier than she's ever been in a long time."
I've noticed that as my clients began to receive more of the peace and tenderness they yearned for in the relationship,the happier, calmer, and freer they felt in ALL areas of their life.
In my experience, this is a beautiful energy to have in your most sacred relationship and in your life.
I love this program! If you desire to be in it, it would be an honor to serve you.