Irene Alexander, PhD, CLC, ICF Certified Coach

Irene Alexander, PhD, CLC, ICF Certified Coach

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Hello Beautiful Daughter of God!


You Made It to the Right Place!
Your Desire for a Happy, Tender, Intimate Relationship is Your Birthright as a Woman...

And that is why you are here.
To respond to your most sacred God given desire...
to be desired, supported, & loved as the bride of your husband's heart.
You are ready to intentionally create and attract all the love and intimacy you want in your relationship.
You are ready to be romanced and pursued because that is your birthright as a woman.
You are ready to step into all the love, joy, ease, trust, fun, sexiness, and tenderness you want in your relationship
and you are here to receive that with ease!
You are excited to receive your man's wildly attractive masculine love for you, while making him feel like a million bucks at the same time!
You want your kids to see you and your husband still so madly in love, so many years into your marriage,
because you know that's literally the best gift you can give them.
It's what you desire and deserve in your marriage!
And dear, daughter of God, it's yours to receive.

I know you are hurting and it's hard!

The truth is...
There have been times in your relationship when your husband failed to treat you in the way that you deserve.
I hear you. It wasn't right.
There were things he did that were out of your control
and the reality is those things hurt you,
and it hurt your relationship with him.
It made you feel that you can't really trust him.
It made you feel like there's nothing you can really do
until he changes and improves. That's the truth.

But that's not the whole story!

The truth is that you are far more powerful than you even realize...
You are!
And I will prove it to you.
A sign of this is that right now, you're focusing on his behavior and the problems he needs to address...
Because his problems are a source of deep pain for you.
But I am here to tell you the TRUTH that no one, (not even your sister or BFF, or anyone else you've trusted with your heart will tell you.)
Because I love you and above all,
I want you to have your heart's deepest desire.

You have an Incredibly Powerful Influence Over Your Husband's Heart

And when you know how to put it towards creating intimacy
*you will start seeing a dramatic transformation very quickly...*
I'm talking about...he starts softening towards you TODAY!
He begins to recognize his own part in the damage...
and actually apologize to you!
You start moving towards one another emotionally.
No more fighting... just getting closer and closer.
You finally feel like you don't have to take on all the responsibility because he's taking care of you.
I know you think you're the exception ;)
I know you've set the ultimatum and you're demanding that he change.

But the real truth is that this approach is terribly ineffective.

Everyone thinks that focusing on the problem is how you get the solution.
But in LOVE this is not true.
In fact, this approach always makes it worse!
Which is what you're experiencing right now. The worst!
So the question you have to ask yourself right now is,

Are you committed to being pursued, adored, and tenderly loved in your marriage?

If your answer is yes, I can help you.